I’m Kelly.
I’m the quiet one off to the side who looks shy and detached but who actually is listening and watching intently, collecting information — connecting the dots about everything …
Why choose me as your graphic designer?
You will get intelligent, relevant aesthetics.
As a rationally-based designer, I understand the need for cohesive, well-thought-out solutions. And I pay attention. You will no longer be working with a designer who doesn’t listen or is unable to follow your vision for your company. Overspending on graphics and scattered messaging happens because of lack of clarity. My proposed solutions and aesthetic choices will be rationally grounded and tied to your objectives. I will push you toward out-of-the-box creativity, but only in service of your business and project goals. I can elucidate my design intuition coherently. I will help you understand why the creativity is necessary and effective.

Benefit from a design partner who can can see the whole forest.
When you work with me, you are acquiring more than a graphic designer for a single project. You are gaining a partner who can look beyond the issue at hand to the larger picture. I’ll help you look at it from all angles, helping you to understand how to upscale all of the touchpoints with your clients and potential clients. I will help you develop visuals and messaging that capture the attention of and resonate with your audience. I can help you get clarity on what makes your business stand apart.

Get rid of the frustration of DIY designing.
If you have ever tried to send a Word file to your printer and it printed pixelated, or uploaded a photo on a website and it squished out of proportion, then you have discovered that the world of graphic design technology is not as simple as it looks. If you do want to be hands-on, I can flex to whatever level of involvement you need. I am a patient teacher who can bring complexity into focus without overwhelm, and help you find the right tools. Or you can let me handle all of it — so you can stay focused on your particular area of genius.
I’m a simplification wizard.
I know you don’t want to end up with yet another long list of stuff to do, because neither do I. I’m a big believer in flow and efficiency. My process involves making things as simple and easy as possible for both of us. I will handle the technology challenges and problem-solve with you. We will work together to make developing and maintaining your brand a smooth and painless process. Just like Pepper Potts.

I got your back because I’m right there with you.
As an entrepreneur myself, I understand how much your business means to you. My process is immersive — I will learn everything I can about your business and industry to help you succeed. Quality design is paramount to me. I cannot face myself in the mirror if I have not performed to my best ability. Not everything will always go smooth as glass but I promise to always be communicative with you about our process together. I will respect your business reputation as if it was my own.
Core Values
I believe that the most successful relationships, including professional ones, are those with overlapping cover values. If you share some of all of these values, then we will probably work well together!
I want to know the real you. I believe that integrity matters. It is only through directness, honesty, and transparency that we can build trust and clarity.
The best compliment anyone could ever give me is that I am competent. (Ok yes I admit it — it makes me feel good to be thought of as clever and resourceful.) I have dedicated myself to life-long learning and becoming my best self. It is one of the things I love about this business — there is always something new to learn. I will always try to empower you. I have tenacity for quality and real passion for intelligence, usefulness, problem-solving, and intuitive connection.
To be understood is to be truly cared for and respected. Active listening and respect for individual differences is paramount to me. Our differences are what brings new perspectives, value, and idea generation. To achieve any kind of transformation we need to remain open to possibility…because you just never know!
How to delight: 1) Reduce customer effort and remove obstacles. 2) Do what you promise. 3) Then do more. Make things easier and create joy. It is a really good path to memorability and loyalty. I pay attention to my customers needs and proactively anticipate opportunities to create “wow” moments for them.
Creativity matters. Well-reasoned design matters. It communicates better and brings stronger emotional connection. But we rush past it and bury ourselves in “good enough”. Don’t sacrifice good design for the sake of expediency — it will cost you in the long run.
Quick Facts about me
I’m a fiery Celtic girl (Scottish, Irish & German) from Pennsylvania who moved to Texas in 2022.
I love hula hoops and swing dancing.
I’m a total typography geek.
I’m an INTP on the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator. You can see what that is and find out what you are here.
If you bribe me with Belgian Butter Almond Thins from Trader Joe’s I will throw in an extra hour on your project.
My favorite question is “But why?”
Are you one of my unicorns?
My dream clients want to be their clever, true, quirky, unique selves in all their fabulous glory, surrounding themselves with clients and friends who love all of that about them. They want to get things done the right way, meaning they care about putting out a kick-ass product or service. They have an openness to life and ideas because that’s how you become an amazing human. They want to cut through the clutter with candor and directness. They are brave enough to expect that we will unapologetically hold the mirror up to each other so we can keep growing and improving. I will protect them fiercely from everyone but themselves!