Graphic Design & Print
“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”
– Milton Glaser
Print engages in a more tangible and experiential way than digital.
Some would assert that print is a dying medium. While it is true the internet has definitely become an essential marketing tool, print is still very much alive. Using the internet engages only one of the five senses — our eyes. The tactile sensory dimension is completely absent. Human beings have stronger emotional response to printed messages and we tend to trust it more than digital. For studies of how print wins over digital, see this article: Why Print Matters.
Printed material is a great way to reinforce your brand message across communications. It can connect with your audience without them having to go online and find you. Printed materials have more longevity as the consumer can make notes on them, save them for reference, or easily pass them to friends and colleagues. They are especially helpful when it is not convenient to access internet or carry electronics with you. Catalogs, brochures, flyers, postcards, posters, labels, and signage are a great way to promote your products and/or services. Direct mail is a standout way to reach your clients — as it has become less used in favor of digital — there is more space to garner attention.
Click on any of the images on this page to scroll through them in a larger gallery slide view.

“A good designer finds an elegant way to put everything you need on a page.
A great designer convinces you half of that sh*t is unnecessary.”
– Mike Monteiro
Technical manuals = fun.
Yep. You read that right. I love working on charts and graphs and data. It is satisfying to be able to take complex materials and weave them into visuals that make them easier to understand. So send your engineers and product managers my way. We will rein in the chaos of all those technical specifications and create beautiful manuals, price lists, and product brochures.